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Remote Learning

Learning Together From Home.

Class Info

Check out the following instructions for how to be prepared for your classes.

Remote Learning Schedule

See the chart below for our modified block schedule. Every-other class period is longer. Transition/passing periods are 5 minutes. Each day will end with a short Office Hours time for students/parents to check-in as needed before ending the school day.

remote learning schedule

Meet Your Counselors

Your counselor is assigned by the first letter of your last name. They are here to support you and help you with any questions you may have.

Sullivan High School Counselor Jason Brookes

Mr. Brookes


Ms. Bruss

counselor ms sussewell

Ms. Sussewell

Technology Coordinator
773-270-1649 | [email protected]

Technology Issues?

Call our Technology Coordinator, Mr. Slaughter, between 9am - 3pm on school days or email him to get support.

Come to school from 10am and 2pm on a school day.

*If you are doing an exchange, bring your old computer.

Click here to see if you are eligible for FREE internet or call Mr. Slaughter at 773-270-1649 to check.

If you are not eligible, we may be able to get you an internet hotspot.


If you are not in class by 7:59am you will be marked absent. If you are sick, have a doctor's appointment, or family emergency, click the link below to fill out the form for an excused absence.

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