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LSC Meeting – September 25, 2020

I. Call Meeting to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:12 a.m.

II.  Roll Call

Mr. Thomas (principal), Mr. Berrol (teacher representative), Ms. Chrisp (parent representative, LSC chair), Mr. Gonzalez (community representative), Ms. Guijosa (parent representative, LSC co-chair)), Ms. Llorenz (new staff representative), Mr. Matthew (new teacher representative), Ms. Mosak (community representative, LSC secretary), Ms. Thorpe (new student representative).

A quorum was present.

III. Approve Agenda

A motion was made and seconded to approve the Agenda. The vote was unanimous to approve the Agenda (attached).

IV. Public Comments

Introductions were made of three parents expressing interest in serving on the LSC, as well as the new school psychologist; the new CTE coordinator, and the digital media teacher and social media manager.

Ms. Guijosa invited parents and the LSC to the PAC meeting on Oct. 1, from 5:30-7:00.

Ms. Heller (teacher) requested that the LSC meeting time be changed to after school so that teachers and parents with daytime jobs, as well as students, could attend.

V. Approval of Previous Minutes

A typographical error in the Minutes was corrected to accurately reflect the result of the straw poll on SROs, which was 4 in favor of removal and 2 in favor of retention.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the Minutes of the August 7, 2020 meeting as corrected. The vote was unanimous to approve the Minutes.

VI. Parent Nominations

Three parents gave statements about their students and why they want to serve on the LSC. There are currently four parent vacancies.

VII.  Closed Session: Vote on New LSC members

The LSC went into closed session to vote on filling vacancies.

All LSC members will have to run for their seats in the next general LSC election.

A. Parents

It was confirmed by the school clerk that all necessary paperwork had been sumitted for parents who wish to serve on the LSC. A motion was made and seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve Jasmine Carter, Serena Gordon, and Kendra Bigelow as parent representatives on the LSC.

B. Staff, Student and Teacher

Elections have been held for the three LSC vacancies and results – Ms. Llorens for staff representative, Ms. Thorpe for student representative, and Mr. Matthew for teacher representative – were submitted to the Board of Education.

A motion was made and seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve Ms. Llorens for the staff representative.

A motion was made and seconded, and the vote was unanimous to approve Ms. Thorpe for student representative.

A motion was made and seconded, and the vote was 6 in favor with 1 abstention to approve Mr. Matthew for teacher representative.

There was discussion of concerns about possible improprieties in the teacher election regarding use of CPS resources for campaigning. For the upcoming LSC, CTU and PPC elections a communication will be sent out by the principal about what is permissible. 

The LSC returned to open session and new members were welcomed.

VIII. Principal’s Report

A. Principal Statement per the SY20 Evaluation

Mr. Thomas responded to feedback given by the LSC in July as follows.

1. Clearer directions on emergency drills: More professional development will be done with the security team.

2. Equitable discipline: Data will be reviewed with the culture team. There has been extensive training on restorative practices with UMOJA. More work will be done on implementing these practices in the classroom. An anti-racist equity team has been formed and LSC members are invited to join.

3. More equitable access to sports, clubs and other activities: The Community Resource Coordinator will work on determining what students want

4. More professional development for school leaders: Research was done on building distributed leadership, with department chairs and the Instructional Leadership Team. Fulcrum Educational Solutions has been identified as an organization that can support this.

5. The opportunity to play online games, click to see topjackpotcasinos and the features available.

B. Learning and Teaching

There was discussion of how remote learning is going: the amount of screen time; level of student engagement, slow internet; and teachers running over time on wellness days although generally these seem to be working well. The possibility of a block schedule for Sullivan, with four 90-minute classes a day, was considered.

C. Culture and Climate

1. The Community Resource Coordinator is getting virtual clubs started. There have been 45 student submissions so far. Some clubs will start next week and some in October.

2. Parents, staff and community members can join the Advisory Board for the Loyola Community Schools Initiative.

3. The only sports currently allowed are golf and cross-country.

D. Operations

1. Website: LSC members agreed to Mr. Thomas’ request for a greater LSC presence on the Sullivan website, including photos and a short bio.

2. Capital Projects Update: An executive decision was made by Mr. Thomas to accelerate the improvements while the building is closed. Four new science labs are being built. Goals have been installed in the gym, and the bleachers will be done next.

E. Budget

Documents were provided for the School Funds and Internal Accounts budgets (attached with Agenda).

IX. New/old Business   

A. Student Fees SY20/21

For the last school year the LSC had voted to keep a $200 student fee, although senior fees were waived at the end of the year. The Minutes were not clear about the “pie chart” distribution of the fees.

Uniforms were not purchased.

Current enrollment is 605, down from 655 at the end of last year, of which 141 are freshmen.

CPS is not allowing collection of student fees this year.

A motion was made and seconded, and the LSC unanimously voted to approve the distribution of fees collected last year as follows:

  • Technology, 25%
  • Clinic outreach and social services, 40%
  • Student Voice committee, 10%
  • Student incentives and recruitment, 25%

B. Purchases for Approval

A vote on prior approval of purchases was not taken at the last LSC meeting as a quorum was not present. Mr. Thomas went ahead with purchases needed as the school year was underway. These items, amounts, and funds from which they were purchased are included in budget documents attached to the Agenda. A motion was made and seconded, and the LSC voted unanimously to approve the expenditures.

C. Principal Contract Renewal

A motion was made and seconded, and the LSC voted unanimously to renew Mr. Thomas’ contract.


Mr. Berrol, Mr. Matthew, and Ms. Llorenz will meet with Mr. Thomas on the PPLC work, tied to the ILT and school improvement plan.

E. Other Business

1. Budget cuts: Ms. Mosak shared information from RISE 49, comprised of  LSC members from Rogers Park neighborhood schools, about the budget cuts facing schools with declining enrollments during the COVID crisis. RISE 49 is drafting a letter to public officials asking for a budget freeze. LSC members agreed Sullivan could be represented in this letter.

2. Next LSC election: Ms. Chrisp will contact the Office of LSC Relations for information about how the election will be conducted.

3. Virtual Open House: Mr. Thomas will coordinate with the ILT to hold the Open House.

X. Next Meeting

The schedule for the next three LSC meetings is:

Tuesday, October 20, 3:15 p.m.

Thursday, November 19, 10:00 a.m.

Tuesday, December 15, 3:15 p.m.

XI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Esther Mosak, Secretary

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